Exhibitions in 2020

30th January - 1st March
Studio Sale 2020
A sale of work by 14 artists & artisans
at reduced prices
Exhibitions in 2019

December 5th - January 5th
Christmas Gallery Show
Featuring 12 Artists & Makers

7th November to 1st December
Sue Young
Deborah H. Lewis
Rebecca English
Sue Young
Deborah H. Lewis
Rebecca English

19th October - 2nd November
'Autumn Gold'
Paintings, Printing, Ceramics
& Jewellery
Suzi Stephens
Lee Stevenson
Diane Hadden
Belinda Landini
Emma Joyce

5th - 18th October
Stuart Ross
Paintings & Drawings
A selection of Charcoal drawing, paintings and collage

21st September - 4th October
Paintings, Feltings & Ceramics
Margaret Mason
Rowena Scotney
Michele Cowmeadow
Maria Heitel

7th - 20th September
Ken Swift
Original works in a wide variety of media

August 24th - September 6th
Taking Space
Ten women artists
from the St Ives group

10th-23rd August
Through the Mists of Dawn
Sue Young
Rebecca English
Sophie Penstone
Anne Boo Whetter
Through the Mists of Dawn
Sue Young
Rebecca English
Sophie Penstone
Anne Boo Whetter

28th July - 9th August
This Celtic Land
Jessica Bright
Sally Roberts
Dennis Morgan

13th - 26th July
Landscapes of Cornwall
by Russell Wilcox

29th June - 12th July
Featuring artists:
Judith Whitehouse
Lorna Prudden
Linda Simmonds
June Trezise

May 25th - June 14th
Cornish Summer
'Hav Kernewek'
A curated show featuring 10 artists

21st - 31st March
Edge of Light
The 5 Collective
Jo Cottam
Liz Dickinson
Lynne Spencer
Maxine Whitbread-Abrutat
Sue Loydell
Edge of Light
The 5 Collective
Jo Cottam
Liz Dickinson
Lynne Spencer
Maxine Whitbread-Abrutat
Sue Loydell

7th - 17th March
Celebration of Colour and Light
Dee-Ann McCoull
Celebration of Colour and Light
Dee-Ann McCoull
Exhibitions in 2018

Thursday 13th - Sunday 30th December
Penwith Textiles and Embroidery Group

15th November - 9th December
'Nadelik Lowen'
A Curated Christmas Show
Featuring 10 Artists and Artisans
'Nadelik Lowen'
A Curated Christmas Show
Featuring 10 Artists and Artisans

Thursday 1st - Sunday 11th November
'A Slice of Penwith'
with artists:
Suzi Stephens
Jane Bradford
Jane Sand

13th - 27th October
'In a Fragile Landscape'
Paintings and Photography
by Jackie Hichens & Geoff Hichens
'In a Fragile Landscape'
Paintings and Photography
by Jackie Hichens & Geoff Hichens

1st - 12th October
'Far and Near'
2 Views of Cornwall
Paintings by Clare Hughes and Martin Hearne
'Far and Near'
2 Views of Cornwall
Paintings by Clare Hughes and Martin Hearne

Sept 1st -14th
Ceramics, paintings, sculpture
inspired by the natural world
Preview Party
Sunday Sept 2nd 1-3pm
Ceramics, paintings, sculpture
inspired by the natural world
Preview Party
Sunday Sept 2nd 1-3pm

Sat 18th - Fri 31st
Contemporary Cornish Art
Photography, Paintings, Ceramics, Jewellery
Sue Rogers
Derek Rogers
Gilli Wilson
Preview Party Sun August 19th
Contemporary Cornish Art
Photography, Paintings, Ceramics, Jewellery
Sue Rogers
Derek Rogers
Gilli Wilson
Preview Party Sun August 19th

Sat 4th August - Friday 17th August
'Up Til Now'
A solo show by Suzanne Stobbs
Paintings, ceramics, felt artwork and cards

Sat 7th July - Friday 3rd August
'Spirit of Summer'
Paintings, Ceramics &Textiles
Featuring 7 Local artists
& poetry by A.C.Miles-Smith
'Spirit of Summer'
Paintings, Ceramics &Textiles
Featuring 7 Local artists
& poetry by A.C.Miles-Smith

Sat 23rd June - Friday 6th July
'Sky High'
Paintings and Bird Sculptures
Joan Speight, Lesley Bickley and Geoffrey Bickley
Preview Sunday 24th June, 2-4 pm
All warmly welcome

9th - 22nd June
Photography by
Tim Knight
Preview Sunday 10th June 1-3pm
All warmly welcome

'Darkness to Light'
- Rilke & other inspirations
26th May - 8th June
Maria Heitel, Rowena Scotney, Michele Cowmeadow
Paintings, feltings and ceramics inspired by poetry

Seeing Nature in a New Light
12th - 24th May
Katrina Slack, Sally Holman & Bridget Roseberry
with sculptures by Katrina Slack
ceramics by Cath Francis
Seeing Nature in a New Light
12th - 24th May
Katrina Slack, Sally Holman & Bridget Roseberry
with sculptures by Katrina Slack
ceramics by Cath Francis

'Atlantic Edge'
A Curated Show
Saturday 28th April - Friday 11th May
Exhibition Preview Party on
Sunday 29th April 1-4pm
Artists in the show are:
Hazel Brown, Lee Stevenson, Ellen Bastiani, Laura Hodgson, Hani Mroz,
Marg Mason, Jane McAlwane, Sophie Anderson, Katrina Tonkin and Nigel Haward

Flame Exhibition
Featuring 8 artists
from the First and Last Artisans and Makers Enterprise
Sat 16th April - Friday 27th April
A variety of beautiful paintings, jewellery and ceramics from local makers

'Life on the Edge'
by Melanie Stokes and Helena Clinch
New Paintings
Sat 31st March - Fri 13th April

Kate Lockhart
‘Hepworth in the Spring’
18 – 25th March
‘A celebration of colour and light, inspired by the beautiful garden arrangements and evocative, deeply organic sculptural forms of Barbara Hepworth.
Working from sketches and photos taken in the Hepworth Sculpture Garden in St Ives over the last few years, Kate has created a series of paintings that capture the gardens as they spring into life.
Nestled in the heart of St Ives, this oasis of calm has been a huge influence to hundreds of artists and general visitors for many years.
Kate’s homage to Hepworth’s vision is a loving expression of respect and admiration.
The work will be on show at Morvah Schoolhouse Gallery for one week only this Spring and ignites every corner of Kate Lockhart’s work.’

'Turning Tables' by Volker Stox
All warmly welcome to the Preview Party
Sunday 4th March, 1-3pm
Working in Digital Media
VOLKER STOX explores the use of digital media (computer technology) in the creation of his art-pieces. This working method has produced canvases and prints on paper, many of these have been on show in the above-mentioned exhibitions.
The creative process is in principle no different to working in traditional media, except that it allows for overlaying, blending, distorting and morphing of shape and colour ‘digitally’; by which imagery, colour and textures can be transformed from one plane to another resulting in composite pictures of a distinctive quality. The aesthetics of digital composition and realization play a part here and have resulted in the development of a visual language, which is true to the medium.

Studio Sale 2018
Artists and Artisans - studio clearance of wonderful works!
Exhibitions in 2017
If you have any enquiries about exhibitions before 2017, please contact us for information.